
NJU6543 Datasheet, NJR Corporation

NJU6543 driver equivalent, segment type lcd driver.

NJU6543 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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NJU6543 Datasheet

Features and benefits

˜ LCD driving circuit :Max. 128outputs (4 outputs as for general purpose ports) ˜ Programmable Duty Ratio 1/2 Duty Ratio :Driving max. 256 segments 1/3 Duty Ratio :Drivi.


NJU6543 ¢ FEATURES ˜ LCD driving circuit :Max. 128outputs (4 outputs as for general purpose ports) ˜ Programmable Dut.


¢ PACKAGE OUTLINE NJU6543 is a 1/2 or 1/3,1/4 duty segment type LCD driver. It incorporates 4 common driver circuits and 128 segment driver circuits. NJU6543 can drive maximum 256 segments in 1/2 duty ratio and maximum 384 segments in 1/3 duty rati.

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